About Us

Clipsit is an online resource that creates helpful guides for our readers to assist them with navigating the web.  We know that it can be challenging to find your way around the internet so we release guides to assist you with understanding how to navigate a website.  

We hope that with our help you will find the direction you are hoping for when you visit a website for the very first time.  

Clipsit can be reached at info@clipsit.net

Our Team

Jerry Rogers

Jerry Rogers is the main content producer for the Clipsit site. 

He is a blogger and loves to research topics and write about them.  His hobbies are weightlifting, reading, traveling, and exploring the web.

Jerry Rogers is the main content producer for the Clipsit site.  He is a veteran blogger with over 10+ years experience.  He will always bring well researched information to the web.

My Story

My first job was landscaping with my family.  My granddad had a landscaping business that I helped him with.  I later graduated high school then college with a degree in Marketing.  I have worked for several companies where I obtained experience in writing and marketing.

I later decided to start Clipsit after seeing that many people struggle with navigating the internet and need a helping hand.  I started this site and began releasing how to guides to help people.

I write about finance and many different how to guides on registering for websites, paying bills online, activation help, etc.

Contact me via email:  jerryrogers110@gmail.com

Or social accounts



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