Customers of CooperVision can take advantage of the savings when purchasing CooperVision contact lenses by submitting their rebate claims online at The process of uploading your rebate claims and necessary forms is more convenient via online than the mail-in way.
CooperVision Promotions Submission Process
The first step to getting started with filing your rebate claim is to make sure you have all the documentation required:
- Original dated sales receipt with eligible lens purchase and date circled
- 2 product box end panels – one for each eye showing the prescription info
After you have this info handy now you can visit the CooperVisionPromotions website and get started:
- Visit
- Enter your 7 digit code
- Click the Start My Claim button

***your rebates offer code is identified on the savings rebate advertisement
***your claim needs to be started within 60 days from purchase to be valid
The next step is you will be reminded to prepare your materials to complete your submission.
- After you have your documentation in place click the Continue button
- Upload your materials
- Click Continue button
- Your email address is necessary to receive the payment
- After completion of your submission you will have 6 to 8 weeks to receive your rebate
Cooper Visions Promotions Check Claim Status

After submitting your rebate claim you can monitor the progress of it by clicking the “Check your claim status” link at the bottom of the homepage.
Enter your rebate reference number and email address
Click the purple Search button
Contact CooperVision
Any questions you may have about the website or rebate can initially be directed to the CooperVision US Support 360insights Community via the “Have a question?” link on the lower right side of the homepage.
There are a lot of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) available for users to browse in search for an answer to their particular question. Other methods of contacting CooperVision is below:
Call 1-877-875-6043
Support team – coopervisionpromos@360incentives
CooperVision Rebate Details
Rebates are paid in the form of a convenient CooperVision Visa Prepaid Card
To qualify for a rebate adhere to the qualifying purchase dates and qualifying submission dates which is typically 60 days of lens purchase
All receipts must be from the same eye care practitioner/affiliated location who prescribed your contacts