– Take Your Automotive Survey

Car owners that recently purchased a brand new car can take a few minutes to complete an online survey that will provide data back to the dealership or car manufacturer you purchased your car from.  

Survey participants should have received an invitation in the mail to complete the survey and it shouldn’t take but a few minutes of your time.

Vehicle-Quality Automotive Survey

To get started with the automotive survey participants can follow these brief instructions:

***your Survey Access # is found on your mailer and should be highlighted

  • Click the blue Continue button

Your survey will be a series of questions about your car shopping experience so provide your best answers as your feedback will be used to improve the reshaping of future vehicles.

Website Troubleshooting Tips

If you experience any problems with you can try a couple things to make corrections such as:

  • Return to the previous page and try submitting the page again
  • Try restarting the survey using the original URL or link you were sent
  • Any restarting of the survey will have you beginning on the very last page you successfully submitted
  • Pressing backspace or clicking the back button on your browser will take you back to the previous page

Any other problems you may experience with the website that can’t be solved with the above tips can be directed to support at

Be sure to include your Survey Access # in your correspondence

So as an incentive to take the survey you will be entered in a drawing to win a Visa gift card.

Ipsos RDA Info

The customer automotive survey was created by Ipsos RDA, a multinational market research and consulting firm that gathers data for companies through polling or surveys to improve services


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