Donaldjtrump2024 website – Trump Parody Website

A lot of people are checking out the DonaldJTrump2024 parody website to see what it’s all about.  There’s not a lot to the site except it’s making fun of the former President.  It doesn’t have much functionality, it’s just a big image of Trump with the word loser plastered all over the site.

Check Out DonaldJTrump2024

So far I’ve given you a glimpse of what to expect from the site but if you want to see for yourself you can follow the details below:

The site has some resemblance to Trump’s actual website but in large that’s about all there is to it.  

At the top of the website is the word Loser 8 times along with the image of a Shop button and Contribute button.  There is also a Contribute button that is designated for a donation to his Official Election Defense Fund to assist him with his legal challenges to overturn the vote in certain key swing states.

If you try to click on the Shop or Contribute button nothing will work because they’re not actual buttons, just images of buttons. website

DonaldJTrump2024 Highlights

The real highlight of the website is the quotes and phrases used to describe President Trump as a loser.  Here are those phrases:

It’s official.  I’m a loser.

Donald J Trump

Loser of the 2020 Election

How did Donald Trump lose

Joe Biden got 7 million more votes

Show your support

Claim you saw voter fraud so Trump doesn’t cry about losing

Who Created the Website

The website was created by 2 comedians Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler that are known as The Good Liars.  In an effort to make fun of President Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 presidential election, Selvig and Stiefler purchased

At the bottom of the site is a link to their patreon page if you want to learn more about them.

Reference website

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