Indigocard activate – Getting Started With Indigo Mastercard
If you have recently been approved for an Indigo Mastercard and have received your new card in the mail the next step is properly activating your card. You will need to do this prior to making any purchases. This guide will help you with the activation process so you can begin taking advantage of your new purchasing power.
How to Activate the Indigo Card
Visit activate
The registration process takes care of your card activation. You simply need to follow these registration steps towards creating an online account:
If you have not registered for an account you will need to go through the registration process:

- click the Register link
- Enter your account number
**found on your statement or look at your card
- Enter your date of birth
- Enter your social security number
- Click the blue Next button
- Create your login credentials
- Setup your security info
Once you have finished with the registration process the next step is to use your new login credentials and login to your Indigo credit card login.
How to Request Username or Reset Password
If you at some point forget your login information you can use the Forget your Username and Password self help for online assistance. There are instructions for resetting your password or requesting your username.
To Reset Your Password

From the activate homepage click the Forgot your Username and Password link
Enter the following details
- Username
- Last 4 digits of your account
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Click the blue Submit button
To Request Your Username
Be prepared to enter your email address
Last 4 digits of your account
Social security number
Date of birth
Click the blue Submit button
After your finished entering in the above info you should receive an email that will display your username associated with the requested email address
Main Features of the Indigo Mastercard Portal
Secure and user friendly
Receive online statements
View activity
Highlights of Indigo Mastercard
Good starter credit card that reports to the 3 major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian)
Annual fees are charged based on your creditworthiness otherwise a fee is assessed between $59 and $99
New customers can pre-qualify without affecting your credit score
Low credit limit of $300
Contact Customer Service
Call 1-866-946-9545
Fax 1-503-268-4711
Mail Your Questions
Genesis FS Card Services
PO Box 4477
Beaverton, OR 97076-4477
Reference activate