Milestone Gold Mastercard members looking for assistance activating their online account can follow the steps outlined here. Including in this guide is info on how to activate your mymilestonecreditcard as well as steps to registering and logging in.
How do I login to My Milestone Credit Card account?
- Visit mymilestonecreditcard
- Enter your login credentials
- Click the gold Log In button
First time Registration
- Visit mymilestonecreditcard
- Click the Register Your Account link
Enter the following details:
- Card number
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Click the gold Continue to Next Step button
- Create your username and password
- Create your security questions and answers
Forgot Username and Password
- Visit mymilestonecreditcard
- Click the Forgot your Username or Password link
Reset Password
Enter the following info:
- User name
- Last 4 digits of your card
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Click the Reset Password button
Forgot Username
Enter the following details:
- Email address
- Last 4 digits of your card
- Date or birth
- Social security number
- Click the Request Username button
How to Activate Your Milestone Credit Card
To activate your Mymilestonecreditcard account you will first need to register for an account. Follow the online account registration instructions and when finished you should be logged in to your account.
- Look for the Activation link
- Provide the information needed to activate your card
MyMilestoneCreditCard Features
There are a lot of benefits to registering for an online account for your Milestone credit card. Here are a number of features at your service:
- 24/7 account access
- View your balance
- Make online payments
- Setup auto pay
- View transactions
- Make changes to your profile info
Contact Customer Service
Call 1-800-305-0330
Fax 1-503-268-4711
Correspondence Address
Genesis FS Card Services
PO Box 4477
Beaverton, OR 97076-4477
Milestone MasterCard Info
Milestone Mastercard is issued by the Bank of Missouri and serviced by Genesis FS Card Services, Inc
Does Milestone credit card have an app?
To be able to access your Mymilestonecreditcard from an app while on the go you will need to download the Bank of Missouri Mobile app that is available on iOS and Android