Chiropractor Dr. Michael Ho has devised a TENS unit that gives customers in most cases immediate relief from muscle tension and pain in their body. The TENS unit is called DR-Ho’s Pain Therapy System which is a professional grade model made available for customers to purchase and use in the comfort of the home. This unique system has helped treat customers all around the globe for over 25 years.
What is the Pain Therapy System?
The basic premise behind the Pain Therapy System is the use of a TENS device that stimulates sore muscles causing them to relax and release tension. As the muscle tension decreases circulation is improved thus relieving pain in the particular area. The stimulation generated by the TENS unit is known to release endorphins and serotonin which are considered natural pain killers.
How is the Pain Therapy System different from other TENS units?
The difference in DR. Ho’s TENS units compared to other brands on the market is the Pain Therapy System utilizes three different technologies which work together to release muscle tension. Those three technologies are TENS, EMS, and Auto-Modulating Pain Relieving Waves. The Auto-Modulating Pain Relieving Waves unlike other units prevents your body from adapting to the muscle stimulation by constantly changing. This method has shown to be effective and a positive difference for many customers.
What can you expect from this system?
Customers that try PTS can expect to have a portable system they can take wherever they go. When they feel pain or discomfort the product can be taken out and utilized. It comes with a back relief belt and foot massage pads designed to specifically target those areas. It’s a drug free product that is safe to use with no side effects. It also comes with 2 independent ports allowing you to treat multiple body parts. They system will treat upper & lower back, arms, shoulders, leg, thigh, etc.
It is available online at ( There are several packages available including a Basic Package, Deluxe Package, and Ultimate Package. Prices start at $159.96.