Citizens Bank Pay My Loan Online

Loan customers of Citizens One Bank can make their monthly loan payment online at  The site is free to use and customers can register for an online account to setup recurring payments or make one-time manual payments each month their payment is due.

Citizens Bank One Time Pay Option

If you’re interested in paying your bill manually each month online through Citizens one payment plan option then follow these steps:

At the Citizens Bank One Time Pay Service page you will need to enter a few account details.  

  • enter your 14 digit account number
  • Enter the last 4 digits of your social security number.  If you don’t know your account number refer to your most recent loan statement and locate it there.

When your account info is displayed you will have the option to enter your bank routing and checking/savings account number to enter for electronic debit.  When paying via electronic debit your payments will post to your account on the same business day if paid prior to 5:30pm Eastern standard time. Payments made afterwards are posted the following business day.

Recurring Payment Option

Customers that desire to have payments automatically drafted from their personal checking or savings account can utilize the Recurring Payments option at This option allows users to set their monthly payment schedule date and their payment will be debited from their account each month on the day they establish.

To get started with this process simply select the orange “Set up Recurring Payments/Login” button.  You will be redirected to the Citizens Bank Biller Payment Service designed strictly for accepting loan payments.  At the site you will need to select the blue Sign Up Now link and enter the following details which are used to setup your account:

  • Name
  • Account number
  • Last 4 digits of your social security number
  • Email address
  • User name
  • Password
  • Address
  • Contact phone number
  • Select the blue Submit button

citizens bank one time pay

Once your online account has been setup you will need to store your bank checking/savings account info so your payments can be electronically debited each month automatically.  The other benefits of this service are:

  • Receive electronic receipts for payments
  • Receive electronic receipts for upcoming payments due
  • View your payment history
  • Receive 13 months of payment history
  • Receive mobile or email alerts

Citizens Bank Pay Loan Options

citizens bank pay loan

Making your loan payments online is not the only option to submit your payment, it is the preferred route for many customers.  Other options available to customers are the conventional ways by mail, phone, in person, etc. Here are some payment option details:

Pay By Mail

When paying by mail refer to your loan statement which will list your payment remittance address and detachable invoice.  Write a personal check for payment when choosing this option and allow up 4 to 7 days for delivery and processing

Pay By Phone

To make an immediate payment by phone users will need to call 1-888-805-0200 to use the automated service.  There is a fee associated with this feature which is $12.50. Please allow up to 1 business day for processing phone payments.

Pay in Person

If you have a Citizens Bank branch in your area you can always stop in a make a payment there.  Payments that are made in person are processed the same day.

After considering all of the available payment options you can see why most customers choose the online payment service because it’s free and convenient.  


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