FedEx independent contractors can access their Mybizaccount Fedex online by visiting the FedEx Ground website. The site is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for contractors to have access to FedEx company info. Here is what the site offers:
- News and info
- Vehicle sales
- Links to vendors
- Success stories ground – FedEx Contractor Login
To access this website contractors will need to supply their login credentials:
- Visit ground
- Enter your FedEx ID and Password at the Signon section of the website on the right side of the screen
- Click the Sign In button
How to Login Fedex Contractor Login
If you are unsure of your FedEx ID number refer to your FedEX ID badge:
- FedEx ID is located on your FedEx ID badge – 7 digit code
- When you login for the very first time you will be required to change your password
- Your password will need to be changed every 90 days
- Resetting your password in case you forget it requires you to call 1-855-NEW-PSWD
- When you have finished using the site if you forget to logout it will automatically log you out after 18 minutes of inactivity
What is Fedex Mygroundbiz?
FedEx MyGroundBiz is a web-based account management system used by FedEx to track and manage packages shipped through FedEx. With MyBizaccount FedEx, users can access real-time tracking information and have full visibility into the shipping process. They can also manage billing, track shipments, and view delivery status.
FedEx Independent Contractor Job Search
On the same website ground independent contractors can search for work by using the Opportunities Search link at the top of the left side of the page. You will directed to the FedEx Ground website.
From Fedex ground mybiz you can search for contracting opportunities. The site has a list of available opportunities for drivers to sort through. There is also a Search option that will allow users to search by opportunity type, country, and state/province.
Users should utilize the Customized Alerts feature so they will be notified when jobs are released.
What is the recommended browser and machine configuration for MyGroundBizAccount?
GHz or higher CPU running Windows 7 or higher, at least 2GB of RAM, and Internet Explorer 11 or higher.
Why am I getting a “Your password has expired” message?
Passwords must be changed every 90 days. To change your password, follow the instructions below.
Why am I getting a “Either username or password do not match! Please try again.” message?
There is a problem with your username and password combination. If you need to reset it, call 1-855-NEW-PSWD (1-855-639-7793). Your password must be entered with the correct uppercase and lowercase characters when changing it. If password change is not working, please contact the help desk at 1-800-HELPMIS (1-800-435-7647) and enter a help ticket.
How to Contact FedEx MyBiz Customer Service
Call 1-800-435-7647
Monday – Friday 7am to 12am EST
Saturday 7am to 2pm EST
Reference ground