Consumers that have a lot of high interest credit card debt which amounts to higher than normal monthly credit card payments can opt for a debt consolidation loan. My Mustang Advisors are in the business of helping consumers refinance their debts so they can receive a low interest rate loan after consolidating their debts.
Highlights of My Mustang Advisors Loan
- Consumers are pre-approved for a debt consolidation loan
- One fixed affordable payment
- One fixed interest rate – lower than your credit card rates
- Submitting your application will not impact your credit score
Enter MyMustangAdvisors Personal Invitation Code
Enter the following details:
- 11 digit Mymustangadvisors personal invitation code
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Phone number
- estimated household income
- Estimated credit card debt
- Estimated monthly credit card payments
- Rent or own
- Click the CONTINUE button
By entering the above info on the online credit application your credit will not be checked thus your credit score not affected
Comparison Calculator
On the website visitors can use the Comparison Calculator to find out how much they can save using their debt consolidation program. Here is how it works:
- Enter your estimated debt balance
- Enter your estimated current monthly payment
- Enter your average annual percentage rate
- Click the blue CALCULATE button
Uses With the Extra Savings
After receiving your debt consolidation loan you will be able to enjoy the extra savings which you can do the following with:
- Pay college tuition
- Replace an old car
- Remodel the kitchen
- Save for retirement
Contact Customer Service
Call 1-888-212-4241
PO Box 55288
Virginia Beach, VA 23471
If you received a pre-approval letter in the mail understand there is a time limit on when you can respond before the low 3.04% rate expires.