TXDRA – Sign Petition to Bring Gaming to Texas

The Texas Destination Resort Alliance is bringing an awareness to Texas of the need to build their own gaming resorts.  Texans typically visit neighboring states such as Oklahoma, New Mexico, or Louisiana and spend a billion dollars a year on their gaming resorts.  This is money that is leaving the state of Texas and going to other states.  The idea is to bring gaming resorts to Texas.

What is TXDRA?

The TXDRA is working to gather statewide support at www.txdra.com for an amendment (HJR 133 and SJR 49) to the Texas Constitution allowing for the following:

  • 4 new luxury destination resorts in Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin
  • Three casino options at current racing tracks throughout Texas
  • Three new gaming projects on federally recognized Native American reservations

Benefits of Texas Destination Resort Alliance

  • Keep the money in texas
  • Bring resorts that attract international and out of state tourism
  • Bring the largest conventions
  • Bring the biggest names in the entertainment world
  • Destination shopping

What will money do

Fund schools

Create new well paying jobs

Revitalize the local economy

Bring state of the art entertainment factilities

How to Help?

  • Visit txdra.com

Under “Help Bring Destination Resorts, And Their Benefits, to Texas”


  • Enter your first name
  • Enter your email address
  • Enter your cell phone number
  • Click the red Join the Team button
  • Click the red Sign the Petition button

After you complete signing the petition your name will be added immediately to the petition along with thousands of others.

How to Stay Informed

Continually visit the txdra.com website and follow the Latest News and updates or visit their social media pages.

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