Olive Garden Restaurant employees can conveniently access the Krowd Darden Olive Garden Login page from their home computer or mobile devices to monitor their work schedules, paystub details, and benefit information. The Krowd Dish Olive Garden network is located online at (https://krowdweb.darden.com) and employees have access to their information 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Krowd Darden Employee Sign In
The Krowd Darden Olive Garden login portal is a convenient self-service resource for Olive Garden employees as they can receive multiple services from the one-stop shop. Some of the services available to employees from the login are listed below:
- View Work Schedule: Your weekly work schedule is posted inside your account for you to review. You just need to know what day it is posted on and login to your account to receive the update.
- Receive Company News: Darden restaurant news is shared inside Krowd for employees to easily be updated on company stock information or pertinent changes that may affect them.
- Communicate with Management or Human Resources: Managers can send and receive messages to employees and any questions an employee has for Human Resources regarding payroll issues can be initiated inside their account.
- Submit Requests for Timeoff: Employees can request time off inside their account by utilizing the Time Off feature.
- Edit Benefits: Any legitimate changes to benefits can be made using Krowd especially during Open Enrollment.
- View Paystubs: All paystub information is readily available for employees to view their hours worked, wage, tax info, deductions, etc.
There is an app available for employees to download to their mobile devices or smart phones. The app is directly connected to your Krowd Darden Olive Garden Login account and only requires a touch of your screen to access. The same privileges that are available for online viewing are available via the app.