Employees can utilize the HRHQ PlanSource Ultipro Payroll Login at https://plansource.ultipro.com to access their paystub and benefits information.
HRHQ PlanSource Ultipro Login
Employees of companies that use PlanSource OneSuiteHR, an employee self-service web portal, can utilize the PlanSource Ultipro login site to access their payroll and benefits information. This information is readily available to them anytime of the day 7 days a week. Through the use of their username and password employees can sign on to their account through devices that connect to the internet through the use of a web browser including smartphones, tablets, laptops, public computers, etc.
PlanSource Login
To access their account employees must visit https://plansource.ultipro.com and use the login credentials provided by their HR department. Employees will be provided with a temporary password when they first use the plansource ultipro site but will be able to change it when logged into the online system.
Through OneSuiteHR all employee payroll and benefit information is stored online and visible for each employee to view through their online access. PlanSource Payroll information such as current pay stubs, past pay stubs, hours worked, year to date totals, deductions, state & federal taxes, garnishments, hourly wages, salary, etc. Employees will have some control over payroll to make edits for features such as changing their direct deposit information and deductions. When income tax reporting time comes around W-2 forms can be printed from inside your account so you don’t have to wait for them to arrive in the mail.
PlanSource Ultipro Benefits and Payroll
Benefit information is also available for employees to see online. When it’s time for Open Enrollment they can login to their PlanSource One Suite HR account and make any necessary changes to their benefit coverage during the Open Enrollment time period. Any changes or revisions to your plan policies can be viewed from inside your benefits account. Employees will have the ability to add or remove dependents from their plan through the online access.
When using the PlanSource Ultipro Portal employees should be sure to successfully logout of their online session every time particularly when using a public computer or when accessing the site on a public wifi service or smartphone mobile service. You want to protect your company payroll and benefits information that is stored inside your account by logging out after you’re finished reviewing your payroll/benefits info. It’s also a good idea to bookmark the hrhq plansource ultipro login in your browser so you can 1 click directly to the logon page.