Login to Your Pex Visa Prepaid Card Account Online

Pex Visa Prepaid Card members can access their account information online at the Pex Cardholder website.  The site allows business cardholders the opportunity to review transactions, spending, balance info, and spending rules 24 hours a day 7 days a week by simply logging into their account. Users can create a Username and Password through the online registration process utilizing the “First time login” link located at https://ch.pexcard.com.

The Pex Mobile App is an extension of the website as employees can view much of the information that is available online through the app.  The app can be downloaded to mobile devices via the App Store or Google Play.  All transactions can be monitored anytime via the app and employee spending accounts can be managed better with this info available through their smart phones.  

Prepaid Card Administrators can also utilize the mobile app but will have more features and information available to them.  Some of the features available are adding or reducing funds on employee cards, adding or eliminating authorized merchant categories, suspending employee cards, accessing company card protocol, and reviewing each employees transactions.  The mobile feature gives administrators lots of control over all accounts when away from the job and computer.

Cardholders can login to their account and also view their daily, weekly, or monthly spending limits that have been set by the company administrator. They can also view the merchants they can only make purchases from.  All of this information and more is available inside your online account.  The Pex Card is a great company alternative to cash and reimbursing employees for using their own personal credit cards.  The cards can be funded and only what has been deposited on the card can be spent.  Companies can do a great job of tracking spending with the use of these prepaid business cards.

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