Consumers interested in applying for a Discover credit card can go through the quick application process online at The site will take your information and preapprove you for a Discover card that you qualify for. There are 4 cards available for this preapproval process: Discover IT – Discover IT Chrome – Discover IT Miles – Discover IT Secured.
The application process will not affect your current credit score or credit report. It is a soft pull which will match you up with the best card based on the information your provide.
What Info Needed at Discover Preapprove
There is a simple 4 step process to applying for a credit card. The first step is to visit the online website. At the site you will notice it’s basically an application form. Complete the application entering in the following info:
- Application info
- Name
- Total annual gross income
- Address
- Monthly housing/rent payment
- Checking/debit account
- Savings, ira, money market account
- Identify if you’re a student
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Identify type of card you’re interested in (cash back, travel rewards, balance transfer)
- Agree to terms
- Click Check Now
After selecting the Check Now button you will be presented with credit card options that you can select from. As mentioned previously this process will not impact your credit score.
Discover Card Benefits
Regardless which card you select or are eligible for in the Discover pre approval process there are good benefits that you will enjoy. These benefits are synonymous with the Discover card brand which makes it different from many of their competitors.
Identity Theft Alerts
This alerts feature is useful as your social security number will be monitored by Discover 24/7. There is a list of fraudulent websites that Discover tracks to ensure none of their cardholders information is found on. If your information is found on these websites you will be immediately notified.
You will also receive alerts if certain activity is found in your name such as a mortgage, car loan, credit card, or other account info that typically shows up in Experian.
Compare With Total Visa Card:
24/7 Account Monitoring
Each members credit card account is monitored on a day by day basis including all of your purchases. This is done to alert you to suspicious activity. Any time you misplace your credit card you can utilize the Freeze It On/Off switch found on your mobile app and website to thwart new purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers instantaneously. If your card is used for unauthorized purchases due to theft you are never held responsible and there is no hassle.
No Credit Card Fees
New members will enjoy one of the popular features with Discover cards which is no fees. Unlike other credit cards there are no excessive fee charging. Here is a list of no fees you can expect with your card:
- No fee for FICO credit score
- No fee for monthly statements on mobile or online
- No annual fee
- No foreign transaction fee
- No over limit fee
- No pay by phone fee
- No late fee on your first late payment
- No increase to your APR for paying late