As part of the CARES Act the IRS is paying individuals and their family members to help sustain them during this crisis through Instead of having to cut an individual check to each eligible person which could take weeks of processing, to speed up the process a website has been established that will allow users to have their checks direct deposited into their account.
IRS Stimulus Relief Check Portal
The website that has been established by the Internal Revenue Service is the IRS Stimulus Relief Check Portal, here’s what to expect from the site:
- Visit
If you don’t want to wait weeks to receive your IRS Stimulus check in the mail it will be wise to visit the portal and submit your direct deposit info so your payment can be electronically deposited into your account.
- Tap the blue Get My Payment button
- Next page click OK for authorized use
Be prepared to enter the following details:
- Social security number or individual tax ID
- Date of birth
- Street address
- Zip
- 2018/2019 Tax return info (have returns handy)
- Bank routing number
- Bank checking account number
***If you need help finding your bank routing number or bank account number some suggestions are visit your bank’s website. They typically have their routing number posted on their website.
Check your personal bank check, that information is at the bottom of each personal check.
After following the above information at and entering it in the web portal you should receive information giving the status of your payment. If the IRS already has your direct deposit information on file you will receive notification of where it is in the process.
If your direct deposit info does not show but you’re eligible for a check you can enter your bank account’s routing number and account number for the government to send your check to your bank account
Error Messages
Since the IRS Stimulus Relief Check Portal was initiated lots of people have experienced problems and received error messages. Some of more common error messages are “please try again later” or “status unknown.” We want to give you a few helpful reasons why you may receive an error message at
- Entered information incorrectly/typo’s/misspellings
- If you normally use a tax software such as Turbo Tax, H&R Block, or any others your direct deposit info may not be on file
- Haven’t filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return
- 2019 return hasn’t been processed yet
- You don’t usually file a return and your info isn’t in the system
- You’re not eligible to receive a stimulus check
- You didn’t’ answer security questions right
- You’ve temporarily been locked out of the Get My Payment tool
- Your bank is struggling to keep up with demand from people checking their accounts
The IRS only updates information once per day so if you’re experiencing any problems a suggestion is to try again later in the day or keep checking the same time each day.