If you are looking for a way to consolidate your credit card debts consider the debt consolidation program with My Dutchess Partners. They offer consumers a low interest loan in place of their higher interest credit cards. You will save hundreds of dollars in the process. This Dutchess Partners debt consolidation reviews details how to get started.
My Dutchess Partners Reviews
You can find out how much you could potentially save with My Dutchess Partners by referring to their Estimator Calculator:
- Visit www.mydutchesspartners.com
- Near the middle of the page locate “How Much Could You Save”
- Enter your estimated debt balance
- Enter your estimated current monthly payment
- Enter your average annual percentage rate
- Click the Calculate button
The calculations will show if you continue to pay your credit cards as is how much you will end up paying in interest over the life of your balances. It will also show how much you pay with a debt consolidation with My Dutchess Partners. The difference between both can be huge.
If you are satisfied with the results from the Estimate calculator then the next step is to apply.
My Dutchess Partners Personal Reservation Code
The first step in applying is locating your My Dutchess Partners Personal Reservation Code. If you received a mailer it will be located on the mailer and is an 11 digit code. After you have the code next return to the mydutchesspartners.com website and follow these instructions:
- Enter the personal reservation code
- Enter your first and last name
- Enter your email address
- Enter your phone number
- Enter your estimated household income, credit card debt, and monthly credit card payments
- Answer if you’re a renter or homeowner
- Click the Continue button
Complete the application process until the very end answering all financial questions. At the end you will have the opportunity to decide on a debt consolidation loan via My Dutchess Partners.
Communicate With Customer Service
If you have immediate questions and would like to speak with someone in customer service you can respond by calling 1-800-833-3419 or sending correspondence to the following address:
Dutchess Partners
2420 17th Street
3rd Floor
Denver, CO 80202
You can also use the Contact US form which requires you to enter your name, email address, and your questions. The last step is to click the Submit button.
My Dutchess Partners Overview
Here is a breakdown of what you can expect from working with Dutchess Partners and their debt consolidation program:
- Low debt consolidation loan from Dutchess Partners
- Reduce your credit card interest rates with a low interest loan from Dutchess partners
- Have one easy payment versus multiple credit card payments
- Monthly payment cut up to 50%