If you received a Mastercard or Visa Incentives Card as a gift the first step before using the card is to activate it then register for an online account. Having a Myincentivescard online account is a convenience because it comes with useful features:
- Track Visa Incentive card balance
- Monitor transactions
- Set account alerts
MyincentivesCard Activation Steps
Call 1-844-523-6235
You will need to provide the following card details:
- Provide your card number
- Expiration date
- Security code
First time Registration
Visit www.myincentivescard.com login
Click the Register Card link
Enter the following info:
- Card number
- Security code
- Click the black Submit button
How to Login Your Account
Visit myincentivescard.com login
Enter your username and password
Click the black Sign In button
How to Use Your Incentives Mastercard
Credit Transaction
When you want to pay at the register using the “credit” option you can follow these instructions:
- Present card at the time of payment
- Press “credit” on the keypad
- Sign the receipt
Debit Transaction
When you want to pay at the register using the “debit” option you can follow these instructions:
- Select the debit option
- Enter your PIN
Making Split Payments
As long as your card balance is sufficient, you can use it to pay the full amount of the purchase and applicable taxes. Before completing the purchase, check with the merchant if you wish to make a purchase exceeding the remaining balance using two payment methods.
The majority of retailers do not accept split payments. The first time your card is denied, ask if the difference can be paid with cash or another form of payment.
Contact Customer Service
Call 1-844-523-6235
There is no option to contact customer service online at www.myincentivescard.com login. You will need to call customer service or write a letter to their mailing address.
Lost or stolen card call customer service
Incentives Card Customer Care
PO Box 826
Fortson GA 31808
More Card Info
Card can be used anywhere debit Mastercard and Visa are accepted
Funds cannot be transferred from one Incentives card to another
The card can be reloaded only by the provider you received the card from
Used to pay for online, in-store, phone, and mail order purchases everywhere debit Mastercard and Visa accepted
www.myincentivescard.com login